Immunological and Antigenic Signatures Associated with Chronic Illnesses after COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19 vaccines have prevented millions of COVID-19 deaths. Yet, a small fraction of the population reports a chronic debilitating condition after COVID-19 vaccination, often referred to as post- vaccination syndrome (PVS). To explore potential pathobiological features associated with PVS, we conducted a decentralized, cross-sectional study involving 42 PVS participants and 22 healthy controls enrolled in the Yale LISTEN study. Compared with controls, PVS participants exhibited differences in immune profiles, including reduced circulating memory and effector CD4 T cells (type 1 and type 2) and an increase in TNFα+ CD8 T cells. PVS participants also had lower anti-spike antibody titers, primarily due to fewer vaccine doses. Serological evidence of recent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation was observed more frequently in PVS participants. Further, individuals with PVS exhibited elevated levels of circulating spike protein compared to healthy controls. These findings reveal potential immune differences in individuals with PVS that merit further investigation to better understand this condition and inform future research into diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Vielen, Vielen Dank! 😊
2x geimpft mit Comirnaty im Mai 2021.
Direkt nach der Impfung extremes Nervenkribbeln von Kopf bis Fuß, Muskelschmerzen und -verhärtungen
Seitdem Nervenkribbeln, Bluthochdruck, Schwindel und phasenweise Muskelschmerzen
Diagnostiziert wurden: Small Fiber Neuropathie, vegetative Dysfunktion (Puls- und Blutdruckregulierung), Hyperaldosteronismus
1. Impfung Astra 2. Impfung biontech 3. Impfung biontech , div Beschwerden , brainfog muskelzuckungen schmerzen brennen rücken Nieren Beine Kopf Kiefer Herz Bauch , Magen Darm , Erschöpfung , Ohnmacht Kreislauf Blutfluss , täglich bis heute verschiedene wiederkehrende Schübe alle Blut und ct und mrt ohne Befunde
Letzter Beitrag: Dr. Michael Kacik in Münster Unser neuestes Mitglied: Johanna_so Neueste Beiträge Ungelesene Beiträge Schlagwörter
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